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Nodegroup Bootstrap Override For Custom AMIs

This change was announced in the issue Breaking: overrideBootstrapCommand soon.... Now, it has come to pass in this PR. Please read the attached issue carefully about why we decided to move away from supporting custom AMIs without bootstrap scripts or with partial bootstrap scripts.

We still provide a helper! Migrating hopefully is not that painful. eksctl still provides a script, which when sourced, will export a couple of helpful environment properties and settings. This script is located here.

The following environment properties will be at your disposal:

CONTAINER_RUNTIME # default is docker
KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS # for details, look at the script

The minimum that needs to be used when overriding so eksctl doesn't fail, is labels! eksctl relies on a specific set of labels to be on the node, so it can find them. When defining the override, please provide this bare minimum override command:

    overrideBootstrapCommand: |

      source /var/lib/cloud/scripts/eksctl/

      # Note "--node-labels=${NODE_LABELS}" needs the above helper sourced to work, otherwise will have to be defined manually.
      /etc/eks/ ${CLUSTER_NAME} --container-runtime containerd --kubelet-extra-args "--node-labels=${NODE_LABELS}"

For nodegroups that have no outbound internet access, you'll need to supply --apiserver-endpoint and --b64-cluster-ca to the bootstrap script as follows:

    overrideBootstrapCommand: |

      source /var/lib/cloud/scripts/eksctl/

      # Note "--node-labels=${NODE_LABELS}" needs the above helper sourced to work, otherwise will have to be defined manually.
      /etc/eks/ ${CLUSTER_NAME} --container-runtime containerd --kubelet-extra-args "--node-labels=${NODE_LABELS}" \
        --apiserver-endpoint ${API_SERVER_URL} --b64-cluster-ca ${B64_CLUSTER_CA}

Note the --node-labels setting. If this is not defined, the node will join the cluster, but eksctl will ultimately time out on the last step when it's waiting for the nodes to be Ready. It's doing a Kubernetes lookup for nodes that have the label<cluster-name>. This is only true for unmanaged nodegroups. For managed it's using a different label.

If, at all, it's possible to switch to managed nodegroups to avoid this overhead, the time has come now to do that. Makes all the overriding a lot easier.